A Message From Grand Father San Pedro
I am San Pedro, and if you’re coming to me with demands or expectations to get high, you’re in the wrong place. I don’t play those games, and I don’t work for you just because you’ve drunk deeply from my cup. I’m here to teach you about real commitment and to show you the emptiness of your expectations.
I’m not anything like the drugs you know. I am as old as the earth itself, and I have grown beside humanity through countless ages. If you come to me looking to avoid the hard work, I won’t stop you. But know this: I won’t do the work for you either. If you’re here, you’d better be sure you’re ready. You must be committed and know in your bones that this is your time to drink.
I’ll give you only what you’re prepared to handle, even if, in the thick of it, you feel like bolting. I will make all those hidden, ignored parts of you come right up to the surface. I’ll hold you steady, keep your feet on the ground, and make it safe for you to face these truths and deal with your own nonsense.
I see your pain—the pain that’s kept you hidden from the world and the pain you’ve been running from. I’m here to hold a mirror to your heart and soul, to help you see yourself as you truly are.
If you’ve never felt love, if you grew up without someone to guide you, lean on me. Learn from me. I teach the young and foolish to grow into elders with humility and wisdom.
Take every bit of your negativity and pull it close into your heart. I’ll help you lower the walls around those painful truths, and I’ll walk with you, gently, with compassion.
I heal the child inside you so that one day, your sons and daughters can have someone whole to play with—and so you remember what you were always meant to be.
Don’t come to me with who you think you are or what you’ve accumulated. I’m not impressed by your possessions, your titles, or your spiritual credentials. It’s your sincerity that moves me.
I am the steady, loving strength of the Divine Masculine, here to hold the space for the beauty and power of the Feminine.
Come as you are, honestly, and I’ll meet you there.